6 Tips for Writing a Thoroughly Researched and Engaging Blog Post

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Congratulations! You have decided to start a blog on your favorite subject. Now, what’s next? How can you write a thoroughly researched and engaging blog post to attract a stronger follower base? Here are six tips for doing so!


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1. Link to the Authorities In Your Industry

Readers like to know that you have thoroughly researched your blog post to back up your claims. It’s best to link to professional journals and website articles from the authorities in your industry. 


For example, if you write recipe articles, use the Food and Drug Administration’s official website to find nutrition facts for each of the recipe’s ingredients. From there, you can calculate how much of each ingredient is going into the dish to get a final count on total calories and caloric intake for every serving. 


The most authoritative services are from websites ending in .gov, .edu, or .org. Do not link to other blogs discussing the same topic as you because you will drive away your audience to another content creator. 

2. Outline the Blog Post Before Writing 

While it may take time, outline your blog post before writing it. Outline in a journal or type it on your favorite word processor to organize your thoughts. 


First, identify the main topic. What are some sub-topics related to this main one? What will your audience want to learn about the most? 


Conduct research to back up your claims for each subtopic and link to those sources. Include the links in your outline to remind yourself to integrate them into your final piece. 

3. Increase Engagement With Bulleted And Numbered Lists

When browsing blog posts, readers like to take a break from reading large chunks of text. Outline a point by breaking it down into bullet points rather than discussing it in a paragraph. For example, if you are writing about the symptoms of a disease for a health blog, put them in a bulleted list. For a sequenced list, like if you are writing a DIY article on how to make a seasonal craft, use a numbered format so it places the steps in order. 

4. Write In Short Paragraphs

Large blocks of text are a no-no when writing blogs. Readers may lose focus browsing your post when they see paragraphs with five or more lines. 


The ideal length for paragraphs in a blog post is about three to four lines each. Shorter paragraphs mean that the blog post is skimmable to retain information easier and faster. 


Some readers visit a blog post for specific information. They may not need all the details throughout. Hence, keep the headings informational and succinct so each short paragraph batch can better highlight the information the reader is seeking. /*

5. Write In Simple Terms

While you may be an expert in what you are writing about, don’t constantly incorporate industry jargon. Speak in simple terms that all readers can understand. Readers just learning about your blog’s topic will feel more welcome to keep frequenting your content when you use simple language. 

6. Use Stock Photos (Or Your Own) To Break Up Text

Integrate at least two to three royalty-free stock photos from websites such as Pixabay, Pexels, or Unsplash. If you like snapping photos yourself, incorporate high-quality ones to enhance your blog post’s presentation. 


Images are engaging elements in a blog post because they are visually pleasing and a nice break from reading text. 

Research, Write, and Engage Today!

Always research and link to high-quality sources to enhance your credibility. Outline your post before writing to stay organized. Write simply and effectively to engage your audience!

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