US Green Card Office

On the off chance that you’re thinking about entering the US on a green card, it’s essential to comprehend what the US Green Card Office is and how it works. The US Green Card Office is the spot to go on the off chance you have a bid for employment that expects you to live in the US for a lengthy time.

Assuming your boss has extended an employment opportunity requiring movement, you need help finding another representative willing or ready to finish the work. They’ll send your resume alongside their application for a settler visa (i.e., an “I-130”). The I-130 will be handled through USCIS (US Citizenship and Movement Administrations), which is essential for the Division of Country Security (DHS).

Once endorsed by USCIS, your case will be sent straightforwardly from DHS to INS (Movement and Naturalization Administration). Which incorporates identification administrations too!

What Is the US Green Card Office?

The US Green Card Office is a U.S. Division of Country Security division. Its essential obligation is to handle applications for super durable residency in the U.S. It additionally gives Extremely durable Occupant Cards (green cards) to those who have been conceded long-lasting residency status.

The U.S. Green Card Office was laid out in 1995 as a component of the Migration Change and Control Act. Which Congress passed with overpowering bipartisan help.

Who Is Qualified to Apply?

It would help if you were a resident of a country that has marked the GATS settlement. If you’re from an E.U. part state, you can likewise apply for a long-lasting home in the U.S., assuming your mate or kid is qualified for a work visa and has been allowed such status after enduring quite a while (generally five). When endorsed, your relatives will want to move too.

It would help if you had 3 years of work insight in your field and 2 years of expert preparation or training that qualifies as the same. That intends that on the off chance that your certification doesn’t meet this necessity, then it will take more time for you to get green card status since there are a more significant number of prerequisites required than having finished school classes; nonetheless, this doesn’t imply that all school graduates qualify naturally — you’ll, in any case, need different structures given by USCIS (like proof) before they acknowledge any desk work presented by candidates who don’t satisfy these guidelines.

What Are the Prerequisites to Apply?

The U.S. Green Card Office expects that you are a resident or legal super durable inhabitant of the U.S. You should likewise have been genuinely present in the U.S. for, to some extent, half of the beyond five years and exhibit that you will want to support yourself monetarily.

Suppose your outside public life partner is now living in the U.S. as an outsider. In that case, the person in question can apply for highly durable residency for their benefit. Instead of hanging tight for their marriage-based green card application cycle to finish nonetheless. If your companion doesn’t live in the U.S. yet anticipates moving here soon with themself. Their relatives (counting youngsters under 21). They should apply under EB5 Financial backer Visas before applying for a change of status. At OSCR because it’s a lot quicker than getting everything settled through OSCR. In the wake of showing up here with relatives who aren’t qualified at this point!

What Are the Various Kinds of US Green Cards Accessible?

There are a few kinds of green cards accessible to you. They include:

  • Green Card Reestablishment: On the off chance that your ongoing green card has terminated or will lapse soon, this is the best choice for you. You can apply for another one to supplant your old one and continue to live in the U.S. for all time.
  • Green Card Substitution: On the off chance that somebody passes on while they were living in the U.S. with a legitimate visa (counting an H1B visa), then their mate might meet all requirements for a substitution green card assuming that that individual had hitched to them something like 2 years before they kicked the bucket. Moreover, youngsters under 21 may qualify if they meet specific necessities by U.S. Citizenship and Migration Administrations (USCIS).


The US Green Card Office is an administrative organization that cycles and awards movement records to outsiders. If you are venturing to the U.S., this office can assist you with visa applications and other expected documentation for your excursion. There are three kinds of green cards accessible: long-lasting occupant card (PRC), work-based inclination green card (EB-1), and variety lottery victor visas (DV).

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