If you want a firearms license in Germany, you have probably stumbled upon the word ‘Kleinerwaffenschein’, which means ‘minor arms permit. You may be wondering what that is and if you need one to own a gun in Germany. See this article to learn more about kleinerwaffenschein.de and apply for it.


What are Kleinerwaffenschein and its benefits?

A ‘Kleinerwaffenschein’ is a firearms license for a small firearm. In Germany, the word ‘Kleinerwaffen’ refers to weapons that are not handguns. A person with a ‘Kleinerwaffenschein’ can own air rifles, air guns, pistols or revolvers below a specific size that are not classified as ‘big’ firearms. A ‘big’ firearm is a weapon that requires a license, such as a rifle or a shotgun. You do not need a permit for these weapons. If you want to own any other firearms that are not handguns, you need a Kleinerwaffenschein. As a result of requiring access, guns are highly regulated in Germany.


Requirements for a German Firearms License

To obtain a firearms license in Germany, you must have a clean criminal record and pass an exam. The German government has stringent rules regarding firearms. In fact, in the U.S., most states don’t require you to obtain a firearm license to own a gun. In Germany, getting a firearms license is a lot more complicated. To obtain a permit, you must be of a certain age and prove that you need a gun. You must verify that you have a genuine reason to own a firearm. If you are under 18, you cannot obtain a license. If you are between 18 and 25, you can get a permit if you have been a shooting club member for at least six months. If you are over 25, you can get a license without joining a shooting club as long as you pass the exam.


How to apply for a Kleinerwaffenschein?

If you want to obtain a firearms license, you first have to apply for a firearms license at your local police station. Ensure you bring your passport or ID card, proof of residence and warranty of your fitness (if you are under 25). You will have to provide information about your reasons for needing a gun, the type of gun you want to own, where you keep the weapon, and your safety plan. You will also have to pass a psychological exam. The process of obtaining a firearms license can take months. It is best to start the process as soon as possible. You should expect to spend around six to nine months on the process. 

The time to process a firearms license application varies from state to state.


Advantages of having a German Firearms License

You have the right to defend yourself: People who do not have a firearm license cannot legally defend themselves. Having a firearms license in Germany gives you the right to defend yourself and your family when needed.

You can participate in sports and hobbies: Some sports and hobbies require a firearms license. For example, shooting sports and hunting require a firearms license. In addition, if you have a firearms license, you can use the gun to practice your hobby.

You can keep your family safe: A firearm license allows you to protect your family from danger. It would be best to keep the gun adequately secured and away from children.

You can travel to other countries: Several countries require you to have a firearms license to enter the country. A German firearms license allows you to travel to many countries without trouble.

You can join shooting clubs: If you have a German firearms license, you can join shooting clubs. Most shooting clubs require you to have a firearms license. – You can inherit or bequeath a firearm: In Germany, you can inherit or bequeath a firearm only if you have a firearms license.


Disadvantages of having a German Firearms License

You have to renew your license every year: Once you have obtained a German firearms license, you have to renew it every year. You must take a course on safe gun handling and pass a test on renewing your license. – You have to store your gun in a safe place: Once you have obtained a German firearms license, you have to keep your gun in a safe place. If your gun is not stored correctly, you can be fined. – You must obtain insurance for your gun: If you obtain a German firearms license, you must store your gun safely and ensure that it is adequately insured. – You are responsible for any accident: If you own a gun, you are responsible for any accident.



There are a lot of benefits to having a German firearms license. You can defend yourself, keep your family safe and travel to other countries without trouble. You also can join shooting clubs and inherit or bequeath a firearm. The only disadvantage is that you have to store your gun safely and ensure that it is adequately insured.

By admin

Email : laimfren@gmail.com

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