nglish LanguaTeaching Ege Learners can be a difficult task of aldine schoology, not only because of their language barriers, but also because they are usually assigned to the same teacher. In this article, we will discuss some tips for teaching English Language Learners that may be helpful in your classroom, and also provide resources for more information.
Why does the subject of ELLs matter?
There are many reasons why the subject of English Language Learners (ELLs) matters. For one, ELLs make up a significant portion of the student population in the United States. According to a report from the National Center for Education Statistics, approximately 21 percent of public school students in the U.S. were English Language Learners in the 2015-2016 school year.
Furthermore, research has shown that ELL students often face unique challenges in the classroom. A study from the Pew Research Center found that ELL students are more likely than their native English-speaking peers to struggle with reading and math. They are also more likely to be held back a grade or placed in special education classes.
Given the challenges that ELL students face, it is important for educators to have a firm understanding of how to best support them in the classroom. That’s why tips for teaching English language learners are so important! By providing quality instruction and resources, teachers can help ELL students succeed academically and feel confident in their abilities.
Tips for teaching ELLs
1. Create a welcoming and supportive classroom environment.
ELLs can feel isolated and intimidated in a new classroom setting. It’s important to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable communicating.
2. Use visuals to supplement your instruction.
Since ELLs are still developing their English language skills, using visual aids can be helpful in explaining concepts and ideas. Charts, graphs, pictures, and other visual aids can help provide context for new vocabulary words and concepts.
3. Repeat and rephrase instructions.
Make sure that ELLs understand your instructions by repeating them several times throughout the lesson. You can also try rephrasing your instructions in different ways to see if that helps with comprehension. Additionally, it can be helpful to have students repeat instructions back to you to confirm understanding.
4. Check for understanding frequently.
Periodically stop and check for understanding with ELLs throughout the lesson. This will help ensure that they are keeping up with the material and allows you to make adjustments to your instruction as needed. Asking students questions is a great way to check for understanding.
5. Encourage student participation.
In order for ELLs to practice their English language skills, it’s important to encourage them to participate in class activities and discussions. Don’t be afraid to let them take risks – mistakes are part of the learning process!
Educational resources for ELLs
There are many great educational resources available for teaching English Language Learners (ELLs). Here are some tips for finding and using these resources:
1. Check with your local school district or state department of education. They may have specific resources available for ELL teachers.
2. Look for online resources. There are many websites that offer free or low-cost resources for ELL teachers.
3. Utilize social media. Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms can be great places to find and share resources with other ELL educators.
4. Use search engines like Google to find specific resource types, like lesson plans or activities specifically for ELLs.
5. Don’t forget about the library! Many libraries offer free or low-cost educational resources, including books, DVDs, and more.
Teaching techniques for ELLs
There are a number of different techniques that can be used when teaching English Language Learners (ELLs). Some of the most effective techniques include:
1. Using visual aids: Visual aids such as pictures, diagrams and charts can be very helpful in explaining concepts to ELLs. They can also help to break down language barriers by providing a concrete representation of the information being conveyed.
2. Breaking down concepts into smaller pieces: When teaching new concepts to ELLs, it is often helpful to break them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This makes the material easier to understand and allows students to focus on one concept at a time.
3. Repetition: Repetition is key when teaching ELLs. By hearing and seeing the same information multiple times, students are more likely to retain the information and be able to apply it in various situations.
4. Encouraging student participation: Student participation is essential for keeping ELLs engaged in the learning process. There are many ways to encourage student participation, such as asking questions, having students work in pairs or small groups, and incorporating games and other hands-on activities into lessons.
5. Providing support outside of class: In addition to providing support during class time, it is also important to provide resources and support outside of class for ELLs. This might include setting up a study group, providing extra practice materials or offering tutoring services.