Physical fitness enables people to have strong bones and muscles, reduces the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes and leads to better health and well-being. . Most importantly, regular activity can improve overall quality of life of a person.  Each and every person must take steps towards improving their physical fitness to lead a healthy and happy life. Robert Turner himself is a fitness enthusiast. To maintain health and reduce the risk of health problems, one should try to do a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on a daily basis. 

Physical activity and exercise are important for all people. Adults, adolescents and kids of all ages need regular physical activity. Physical activity tends to promote improved health. One must stay active throughout all stages of their life, no matter their body type or BMI. Understanding the advantages of physical fitness and knowing how active one must be can help people to maintain good health and improve the overall quality of life.

Here are a few factors that underline the advantages of maintaining good physical fitness levels:

  • Increase life expectancy: A large number of studies have shown that taking part in physical activities regularly can improve life expectancy and cut down the risk of premature mortality. There is no type of magic formula that can translate hours of physical activity into hours of life gained. However, as per search, people who are more active are healthier and hence usually live longer.
  • Reduce the risk of injury: Regular physical activity and exercise contribute to an increase in muscle strength, flexibility, stability and bone density. Physical fitness can help build a certain level of resilience when it comes to accidental injuries, especially as a person gets older. For instance, stronger muscles and improved balance would imply that a person is less likely to slip and fall. While on the other hand, stronger bones mean that they are less likely to suffer bone injuries should a person take a tumble.
  • Improve quality of life: Leading a sedentary life has become pretty common today. But such a lifestyle often ends up taking a toll on the physical health of a person. Physical inactivity is commonly linked with an increased risk for certain types of cancer, numerous chronic diseases, as well as mental health issues. Exercise, on the other hand, has been shown to improve mood and mental health, and provides numerous health benefits.

Staying healthy and active would enable people to conduct activities that shall require a certain level of physical fitness. For instance, going on a hike to the top of a mountain is a rewarding experience that instills a sense of accomplishment among people, and allows them to witness spectacular scenery. However, there are many who cannot experience this due to fitness limitations. Hence, it is always better to be fit as possible much like Robert Turner. He is a fan of Reverent, fitness, and reading.

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